Facts at a Glance

Scripps Research's graduate program is a top-ranked interdisciplinary program in the chemical and biological sciences at one of the world’s largest independent nonprofit biomedical research institutes. Training in this environment gives doctoral students access to world-class faculty and state-of-the-art resources within a larger biotechnology community.

While the numbers below are impressive, many people believe the best aspects of the graduate program are intangible—such as the program's flexibility and its responsiveness to student needs and career goals; the synergy and excitement promoted by the focus on high-impact research; and the frequent collaborations bridging different disciplines.

In contrast to graduate students at traditional universities, Scripps Research doctoral students choose whether to concentrate on research (no TA requirements) or to combine research with teaching, mentoring and scientific outreach. The graduate program provides generous student benefits, including free parking, a health plan and fitness facilities, as well as easy access to the beach and to scenic hiking and jogging trails.

Scripps Research has more than 2,000 people, including:

  • More than 130 teaching faculty
  • Over 400 graduate students
  • 175+ independent investigators
  • Approximately 300 postdoctoral associates

Scripps Research scientists:

  • Have won six Nobel Prizes
  • Have won six Wolf Prizes (chemistry)
  • Include...
    • two MacArthur fellows
    • three fellows of the Royal Society
    • 20 members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
    • 30 members of the National Academies of Sciences, Medicine & Engineering
    • 15 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Scripps Research has had notable scientific impact worldwide (citations per paper as tracked by Thomson Reuters over a decade), placing:

  • First in chemistry
  • Second in microbiology
  • Sixth in immunology
  • 13th in neuroscience

The high level of science and entrepreneurship at Scripps Research is demonstrated by the:

  • #1 worldwide ranking in innovation by Nature Index
  • 80+ companies launched based on the discoveries or direct involvement of Scripps Research faculty
  • 200 invention disclosures generated per year
  • 15+ FDA-approved drugs and vaccines have arisen from our discoveries
  • 1,100+ U.S. patents granted to Scripps Research, among the highest of U.S. academic institutions
  • Medical therapies based on Scripps Research findings include Humira® for rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions, Benlysta® for lupus, Leustatin® for hairy cell leukemia, purification of factor VIII for hemophilia, Vyndaqel® for TTR-FAP, and Surfaxin® for infant respiratory distress syndrome.

According to U.S. News & World Report, Scripps Research’s graduate program ranks nationally as:

  • 4th in the specialty of biochemistry
  • 2nd in the specialty of organic chemistry
  • 7th in chemistry overall
  • 9th in the biological sciences overall