Coalition for Next Generation Life Science

View one-page snapshots that provide key highlights of career outcomes for our program alumni by selecting either PhD Program Career Outcomes or Postdoctoral Program Career Outcomes.
Scripps Research has joined more than 40 universities and research institutes as members of the Coalition for Next Generation Life Science (CNGLS). Read the December 15, 2017 article in the journal Science announcing the Coalition.
Through the collection and display of standardized data related to training outcomes, the coalition aims to increase transparency and provide prospective doctoral students and postdoctoral research associates with the data necessary to make informed choices about their training and careers.
As a coalition member, Scripps Research is committed to collecting and publishing data using common standards on the following topics:
- Admissions and matriculation data of PhD students;
- Median time-to-degree and completion data for PhD programs;
- Demographics of PhD students and postdoctoral scholars by gender, underrepresented minority status, and citizenship status;
- Median time in postdoctoral status at the institute; and
- Career outcomes for PhD and postdoctoral alumni, classified by job sector and career type using a common taxonomy.
The data described above, combined with statistics already collected by Scripps Research’s Doctoral Program (for accreditation purposes) and Career & Postdoctoral Services Office, also serve to inform ongoing efforts to improve and enhance all aspects of education and training initiatives at the institute.
Explore the next two pages via the links above to view statistical data from Scripps Research’s Doctoral Program and Postdoctoral Program.