Drug Discovery and Development - TRBIO450

Reviews the processes through which potential new therapeutics are identified
Course Directors: Louis Scampavia and Tim Spicer
Term: Winter (every other year)
Credits: 3.0
Drug discovery is the process by which new candidate medications are ascertained and this course will review the processes through which potential new therapeutics are identified. This includes the description of the roles played by a wide-range of scientific disciplines, including biology, chemistry, in vitro/in vivo pharmacology, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and ADME/Tox; all needed in the early drug discovery process. This course will survey the complexity of the drug discovery pipeline path involving a dynamic interaction between academia, industry, patent law and regulatory compliance needed to advance new medicines toward clinical trials. A discussion of methods/technologies used as well as historical case studies will provide an overview into biomedical investigational techniques, pharmacological studies and the medicinal chemistry development that is needed to drive the translational drug discovery process.