Molecular Medicine - TRBIO460

Teaches the biology of health and disease
Course Director: Evan Muse, M.D., Ph.D.
Term: Spring (every other year)
Credits: 3.0
This is an introduction to clinical medicine in a disease-based approach. The course starts on Monday each week with a lecture by a practicing clinician on the pathophysiology and clinical elements of a major human disease affecting society including therapy and unmet needs. This lecture is matched on Wednesday with a lecture by a scientist doing research, both basic laboratory and translational, that is relevant to the disease. The overarching premise of this experience is that all good basic laboratory research is ultimately translational if the nature of clinical disease and the challenges to health are understood in the correct context. Thus, essentially everything we do at the bench can contribute advances to the future of medicine and translational medicine is in truth a reiterative cycle: bedside-to-bench and bench-to-bedside.