Graduating Student Profiles Blog - Class of 2021

The past academic year has been an unusually challenging one for everyone as Scripps Research, but few at the institute have dealt with as much uncertaintly as graduate students striving to push their doctoral studies over the finish line. From committee meetings and thesis defenses held entirely online to research delays caused by pandemic restrictions, an already difficult period was given a new dimension.

Ultimately, with an abundance of creativity, determination and gratitude, the 42 Scripps Research graduate students who earned their doctoral degree this year overcame all challenges and now stand ready to take their skill, experience and desire to make a positive impact out into the world.

Join us here for a "virtual graduation walk" that began in the days leading up to the video premiere of our Virtual Commencement ceremony on May 21, 2021, as we share the stories and accomplishments of our newest Ph.D. recipients, and offer a sneak peek at where their future might take them.