Amanda Robinson, Ph.D.

Doctoral Thesis: Transcriptional evolution of the T follicular helper population across effector function and through to memory
Research Focus:
Robinson’s research focused on TFH regulation of class-specific B cell germinal center responses and the development of TFH memory using integrated single-cell methods.
Undergraduate Institution:
University of California, Davis
Looking Back: "I am grateful to have studied at Scripps Research and under Dr. McHeyzer-Williams.  I met so many great people along the way and I couldn’t have asked for a better group to learn from and grow with. I am so appreciative of the Scripps grad program because it fosters creativity and allowed me to really dig into my research."
Next Steps: "I am currently working at Immunai, a New York City based biotechnology company.  We are leveraging single cell multi-omics and AI technology to develop novel immunotherapeutics."

Be sure to watch our 2022 Commencement Ceremony video, recorded live on Friday, May 20, 2022. In addition to the conferral of doctoral degrees for our newest class of graduates, the event features a special presentation by recent Nobel Laureate Prof. Ardem Patapoutian.

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