Christian Gallardo, Ph.D.
Doctoral Thesis: Novel Sequencing Strategies for Interrogating HIV Activation Dynamics in Infected Host Cells and Tracing Viral Evolution at the Single Molecule Level
Undergraduate Institution: Pomona College
Noteworthy Publications: MrHAMER yields highly accurate single molecule viral sequences enabling analysis of intra-host evolution, Nucleic Acids Research (2021)
Honors and Awards: Ellen Browning Scripps Foundation Graduate Fellowship (2018)
Favorite Aspects of Graduate Studies: "One of my favorite aspects of my graduate experience at Scripps was how collaborative an environment it was, and the fact that it was so interdisciplinary. For my project, this was really very helpful - the fact that if I didn't know one particular aspect or field, I could easily go to a lab next door and they would be able to help me and coach me throughout a particular process. That was really an invaluable experience for my growth and for my education."
Next Steps: "I am currently a Staff Scientist at the Center for Immunity and Immunotherapies at Seattle Children's Research Institute (Torbett Lab), continuing my work doing viral genomics for HIV and other RNA viruses. Long-term, I aspire to become a group leader in the translational genomics space."
Be sure to join us at 10 a.m. PDT on Friday, May 21 for our Virtual Commencement Ceremony! Gallardo's advisor and mentor, Prof. Bruce Torbett, will deliver a few words about his graduate experience (as will Gallardo), and viewers can learn about our 41 other 2021 graduates, who are now setting out to build careers that will impact the future of biomedical research.