Scientific Teaching

These resources describe an approach to course and lesson design that applies the same qualities essential for successful scientific research to education. Scientific Teaching integrates our understanding of learning and memory with “backward design”, wherein the goals or desired learning outcomes for the course or lesson drive the design of content and the educational activities that is student-centered. Included in the course design are formative and summative assessments, which provide a rational framework for the iterative development and improvement of our courses.

  • The Science of Scientific Teaching
    This article by Handelmann and colleagues provides a brief introduction to Scientific Teaching and provides the conceptual framework for the approach later elaborated in the book by the same name. Handelsmann, J., et al, “Scientific Teaching”, Science 304, 521-522. 2004.
  • The book, “How Learning Works”, by Ambrose and colleagues describes the various aspects of Scientific Teaching in detail and focuses attention to their practical application. Particular attention is given to the basis for Scientific Teaching in the science of learning. (Full text available online via the Library at Scripps Research or in the Graduate Office Resource Library)
  • Critical Elements of Scientific Teaching
    Handelmann’s book is the “bible” for Scientific Teaching, providing clear and concise descriptions of the critical components of the program and attention to their practical application. Topics include course design, active learning, assessment, etc. Handelsman et al, “Scientific Teaching”, WH Freeman, 2007 (Preview available online or full text available in the Graduate Office Resource Library)
  • Evidence-based Teaching of Biology
    This excellent review article <Wood, W.B., Innovations in teaching undergraduate biology and why we need them. Ann. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. 25, 93-112. 2009.> describes the rationale for and implementation of evidence-based teaching methods in undergraduate biology courses. Both the supporting evidence and the described approaches are broadly applicable to graduate STEM education
  • The book, “Teach Better, Save Time, and Have More Fun” by Beuning et al, considers both undergraduate and graduate instruction in considerable detail and provides many concrete examples of approaches for teaching and assessment. It is effectively presented, easy to read and includes discussions of active learning, implementation of technology in the classroom, formative and summative evaluation, along with other relevant topics. The latter sections of the book discuss research mentoring and other aspects of graduate education.