Syllabus Design

A syllabus can serve many purposes. In addition to establishing the contractual rules for the course, it is best used to define the course learning outcomes (CLOs) and outline the lessons and other aspects of the course to be used to achieve the CLOs. Most syllabi also include descriptions of both the nature and value of student assessments. As such, these resources provide a roadmap for the development of effective syllabi useful both students and instructors.

  • This web resource from the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning offers a concise discussion of the structure and content of an effective syllabus, along with an extensive collection of links to resources with more in-depth information on each of the suggested content areas.
  • This report, “How to Create a Syllabus: Advice Guide” by Gannon, offers an extensive discussion of syllabus design and development. Particular attention is paid to the broader impact of a well-designed syllabus on the success of the course. It includes a discussion of a broad range of syllabus components along with illustrations of their application.